9 CFPC Mainpro+ credits | $589
Mondays 12-1pm EST starting February 17th, 2025

In collaboration with Rosie Moore, a seasoned coach and accountability expert specializing in building healthy habits and fostering sustained lifestyle changes for female leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs, this 9-week 60-min/week Zoom course unfolds over an intimate group accountability format to help you build the habits you desire, AND keep you accountable.

Healthy Habits

Group Accountability & Transformation


It's not that we don't know what to do, it's that we just need to actually do it.

We designed this experience recognizing that many of us know what best practices are for health and well-being. Get more sleep. Move your body. Eat green things. Lots of them. Eat less sugar. Dark chocolate? Hmm, I guess, ok. But putting this knowledge into action is where it gets tricky. 

Join us in this transformative journey to elevate your personal well-being and professional effectiveness, while connecting with a community of like-minded female physicians committed to self-care and burnout prevention.

What's going on here?

Each week there will be a facilitated on Zoom for 60-minutes (sessions will be audio-recorded). Prior to the session, you will receive an email with content and practices that introduce you to the theme of the week so you can work through the ideas before you arrive (#keener). At the end of the session, you will receive a final email with key insights, practices/techniques to deepen your learning,, a link to the recording, and of course, your CME credits.

By the end of the program, you'll have:

• Developed a comprehensive plan integrating wellness elements into your daily routine
• Established sustained healthy habits
• Gained a holistic approach to living and leading with greater clarity, confidence, and balance


Rosie Moore is a dynamic Accountability Coach that has coached hundreds of women. She holds over 15 years of experience in the health and wellbeing industry. Certified with WellCoaches, and as a Master Health Coach with Precision Nutrition, Personal Trainer, and Yoga Alliance E-RYT instructor, Rosie takes her expertise and sprinkles it on her clients in a relatable, never "shouldy" kind of way. Her super power is empowering high-performing executives, entrepreneurs, and busy professionals to optimize their health and productivity and if that sounds like fluff, than come see for yourself what happens when Rosie gets you to bed at a reasonable hour more consistently. Or finds ways to celebrate you even when you don't.

Fun fact: Rosie is a global citizen and grew up in different countries. She is a model (and so is her husband), and she can sing, rap, dance, and bench more than seventy times her body weight. That last part's not true but thanks for reading this far.

Sign up, don't think, it's action time.

Begins week of February 17th, 2025
Mondays 12-1pm EST

A second cohort will run in Spring 2025


9 weeks x 60-minute/week Zoom group coaching sessions with a world-class accountability coach. 



This course is for you if you have decided it's time to get serious about your health and well-being. Maybe you've tried some things in the past and you're a bit (or a lot) tired of your good intentions fizzling out. If you are ready to start amping up your devotion to your health, this would be an excellent investment in your time.

9 CERT+ Mainpro credits (CFPC approved)

9-Weeks of togetherness to get your habits clarified and entrenched

Course material via email and a 60-minute weekly Zoom sessions with expert instruction

An online group accountability course to help you stay on track for your (own damn) self.

Practical techniques and considerations for real-life women juggling real life balls

Opportunities to share, observe, reflect and/or just listen - come as you are!

Growth and change looks different for everyone but one thing we know to be true is that goals made in groups are more likely to be actioned. Just like every time a bell rings an angel gets their wings, every time goals are made in a group of lively, supportive women, unicorns get their horns.

Healthy Habits

Volunteer-run, accredited and registered non-profit organization offering transformative online courses and CME credits to busy women doctors in Canada.